Deacon Jim
EASTER SUNDAY - (afternoon)
Have you ever wondered why those two disciples were going to Emmaus in the first place?
R & R in Emmaus Homily for Easter Sunday (afternoon)
Why is it, that God's messages for us always seem to be preceded by our being surrounded
by dark, or ominous clouds of confusion???
Could it be Grace? Could it be a blessing in disguise?
From the Cloud Homily for the 2nd. Sunday of Lent (cycle C)
Well now! Did Jesus say that his followers need to become "human doormats"?
The theme for this homily is taken from the following three readings:
1 Sam 26:2,7-9,12-13,22-23
1 Cor 15:45-49
Luke 6:27-38
Earthly or Heavenly Creatures Homily for the 7th. Sunday of Ordinary Time (cycle C)
Why does Jesus warn us to remain alert and watchful for his Coming?
What does he mean when he says "that day could catch us by surprise like a trap?
Many Comings of Christ Homily for the 1st. Sunday of Advent (cycle C)
Jesus didn't take credit for Bartimaeus' healing! Instead, he said, "Go your way; YOUR FAITH has saved you."
So, just what is this elusive virtue called FAITH anyway?
Saving Faith Homily for the 30th. Sunday of Ordinary Time (cycle B)
What would cause a person to massacre innocent people? What warped thinking could justify such violence against others?
Jesus says it's all in the way we perceive our group...
Jesus' Group Homily for the 26th. Sunday of Ordinary Time (cycle B)
If your participation at Mass is becoming somewhat routine, then maybe it's time to let a deeper
awareness of this great mystery arise within you...
Unless You Gnaw on my Body! Homily for the 20th. Sunday of Ordinary Time (cycle B)
What are we to make of all these "sensless tragedies" we see and hear about, these days?
How can we ever find a place of rest, even if only for just a little while...
Come away and rest awhile! Homily for the 16th. Sunday of Ordinary Time (cycle B)
In today's culture of strained relationships and fragmented families, where can we find
an ideal model for our community or family life?
Perhaps the very nature of God, (Trinity) has been our Model all along...
Trinity-Model Family Homily for Trinity Sunday (cycle B)
Why would anyone walk around all day with a black charcoal cross in the middle of their forehead?
Looking at the Cross - long enough...
Ash Cross Homily for Ash wednesday (cycle B)
It was during a time of extreme violence, oppression and suffering that John the Baptist came to give testimony
to the Light of new hope and a message of peace and great joy!
How is it possible to do that?...
John's Message Homily for (Rejoice Sunday), the 3rd. Sunday of Advent (cycle B)
What? You forgot your oil?
No wedding celebration for you!
That's unbelievable!
Where is Your Oil? Homily for the 32nd. Sunday in Ordinary Time (cycle A)
What is happening here?
Jesus' parable about the "Wedding Feast" seems to portray God as being some kind of threatening, self-absorbed tyrant!
Are we missing something???
Invited to the Wedding! Homily for the 28th. Sunday in Ordinary Time (cycle A)
As committed Christians, don't we need to concern ourselves with identifying,
overcoming and uprooting wrong, evil and injustice?
What does Jesus have to say about that?...
Homily for the 16th. Sunday in Ordinary Time (cycle A)
WHAT we do is not nearly as important as WHY we do it!
The SPIRIT of our actions makes ALL the difference?...
Who keeps the Commandments? Homily for the 6th. Sunday of Easter (cycle A)
Those two disciples, heading to Emmaus, didn't recognize Jesus, even though they had just spent several years
traveling with him... What!!!
St. Peter tells us to conduct ourselves with "reverence" during the time of our sojourning.
Perhaps they lost their reverence?...
No Reverence on the Road to Emmaus Homily for the 3rd. Sunday of Easter (cycle A)
At first glance, Jesus' Transfiguration on the mountain might appear to be mainly
a dazzling display of Jesus' glory meant to convince his disciples of his divinity.
But the command from the cloud, "Listen to Him!" is the key to the deeper meaning
underlying this event...
Transfiguration Homily for the 2nd. Sunday of Lent (cycle A)
To REPENT means simply, to turn around...
to turn toward anything requires turning away from something else:
What did those first four fishermen turn away from in order to turn toward Jesus?...
Repent Homily for the 3rd. Sunday in Ordinary Time (cycle A)
The recent elections in the USA have once again brought us face to face with an ancient quest:
Desperately searching for someone "out there" or "up there" to assume kingship over our unruly lives...
Look at Our King!
Anointed Kings and Queens Homily for the solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe (cycle C)
Scribe or Pharisee?
To be "righteous" means to be in right-relationship with God, with ourselves, with each other and with all of creation!
Whenever I am not in right-relationship, which is much of the time, I am like the rest of humanity, a sinner, (separated)
and in need of God's mercy and forgiveness (righteousness).
Being grounded (humus) in that humble truth, opens me up to receive the Grace of Communion and Relationship,
the very reason we exist...
Scribe or Pharisee Homily for 30th. Sunday of Ordinary Time (cycle C)
What do you think?
Jesus told the Pharisees a parable about a rich man and a poor man named Lazarus.
Was he saying that poor people go to heaven and wealthy people go to hell?...
Giving While Living Homily for the 26th. Sunday in Ordinary Time (cycle C)
Created in God's own Image, we are pictures of God with a message attached, so to speak:
What message do our Sisters and Brothers see written on us?...
It's Not Fair Homily for the 24th. Sunday in Ordinary Time (cycle C)
What common theme does Martha and Mary share with the parable of the Good Samaritan?
It's all about Relationship!
Christ in us Homily for the 16th. Sunday in Ordinary Time (cycle C)
! Real Presence !
Our participation in the "Real Presence" with regard to our celebration of Eucharist, goes way farther than we can ever comprehend;
who can accept it?
One In Christ Homily for the 21st. Sunday of Ordinary Time (cycle B)
Our clouded and distorted "seeing" can lead to division, separation and the exclusion of others:
When "Jesus - crucified for us all" begins to emerge, our "seeing" is transformed...
Jesus in the Sand Homily for the 16th. Sunday in Ordinary Time (cycle B)
Sand Sculpture
This is the picture of the sand sculpture I showed the people during my homily.
God loves first! :
When we hear God say to us, in the depths of our heart, "I love you." we discover how precious we are, and we are set free to love...
Introduced by the Lord, to a man named Joseph in the ICU recovery room at St. Luke's hospital, I rediscovered the depths
of God's infinite Love.
God loves First Homily for 30th. Sunday in Ordinary Time (cycle A)
Control is an illusion:
Manipulation and coersion, unlike guidance, direction and mentoring example, are all forms of control that God has no need nor use for...
God is NOT in Control Homily for 4th. Sunday of Lent (cycle C)